PREA links
The following resources can be useful in helping to make sure your facility achieves and maintains compliance with the Prison Rape Elimination Act.
Visit the homepage of the National PREA Resource Center, where you can find official and extensive information about PREA, hundreds of resource materials, and a place where you can ask for technical assistance or ask a question from the PREA Resource Center.
Explore this "toolkit" for jails that contains valuable discussions, checklists, and policy development tools to help with efforts to achieve PREA compliance. A more interactive version appears on the National Institute of Corrections website.
Visit the "PREA Essentials" page, which includes all of the main resources to get you started, or the help you need to get additional clarification concerning the work you have already started toward PREA compliance.
Explore the guide for "Developing and Implementing a PREA-Compliant Staffing Plan," which covers all of the details and steps for facilities to create the staffing plan as required in PREA standard 115.13.
Download a pocket-sized PREA Card for First Responders from The Moss Group, Inc. These are good reference tools to have in reach if you are in the position of ever having to respond to sexual abuse or sexual harassment allegations between inmates or between inmates and staff in your facility. One PREA Card is for use in adult facilities, the other is for use in juvenile facilities.
The Attorney General, in consultation with the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, appointed a Review Panel on Prison Rape. The panel conducts annual hearings to collect evidence to assist the Bureau of Justice Statistics in identifying common characteristics, not only of victims and perpetrators of prison rape but also of prisons and prison systems with a high incidence of prison rape and those that have successfully deterred prison rape. The panel issued a report with key recommendations on the 20th anniversary of PREA. To view the document, click here.